
Serving Up Time, Talent & Treasure: Mary Conaway
The USTA Florida Section Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors with a wealth of experience, tremendous passion for sharing the love of tennis, and a big heart for helping people across the state. Get to know them a little better and learn what moves them to dedicate their time, talents and financial support to changing lives within Florida.
Who: Mary Conaway
Incoming Board Position: USTA Florida Board of Director’s Liaison
What drew you to continue your time as a USTA Florida Foundation board member?
When I interviewed for The USTA Florida Section Board, I made a point of asking if I were selected I would like to be considered for the Section Board Liaison to the Foundation Board. Having been on the Foundation Board for the past two years, I knew the need for continuity, having someone as the liaison who already understood the Foundation’s mission and could be an advocate for the Foundation not only on the Section Board but for the entire Florida Tennis Community. As Ruth Bader Ginsberg said ““Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” So here I am and happy to be here.
Who has inspired you in your life?
Women in leadership roles have inspired me. I have a lot of respect for women who have been trailblazers ahead of me. I guess if I had to pick one it would be Billie Jean King. She really opened a lot of doors for women in not only the tennis industry but for women in all fields.
What about USTA Florida Foundation’s mission and work really motivates you?
First I believe in the mission and see first hand how tennis really does change lives and secondly I like being a part of an organization that has a positive impact on other people’s lives.
What do you want to accomplish in your next two years on the Foundation Board of Directors?
Being an advocate for the Foundation Board and making sure there is a great communication channel. I will be your number one cheerleader.
If you had one extra hour of free time in a day how would you use it?
An extra hour of free time is a gift; I would probably take a walk with my husband, either in our neighborhood or at the beach. I like walking and talking, it’s the best of both worlds, exercising and connecting with someone you care about.
Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
Probably a pause button, as I have no regrets, although in 2020, not sure I want to pause too long.
If you could visit any place in the world where would it be and why?
I love to travel and look forward to being able to do it again soon. I have always wanted to visit Greece, Thailand and South America.
Would you rather be without internet for a week or without your phone?
Is this a trick question because your phone has Internet! …but if I have to choose I would choose Internet, it would be nice to be unplugged.