
Serving Up Time, Talent & Treasure: Nancy Horowitz
The USTA Florida Section Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors with a wealth of experience, tremendous passion for sharing the love of tennis, and a big heart for helping people across the state. Get to know them a little better and learn what moves them to dedicate their time, talents and financial support to changing lives within Florida.
Who: Nancy Horowitz
Incoming Board Position: Director
Who has inspired you in your life?
My parents, my dad for his sense of humor and hard work, and mom for saying it like it is, and my two Physical Education teachers who inspired me to do the same as a High School Physical Education teacher many years later.
What about USTA Florida Foundation’s mission and work really motivates you?
To give back, meet new people, motivate generations to have fun through tennis, get out of one’s comfort zone and teach giving back to others, then pass this philosophy on to others
What do you want to accomplish in your next two years on the Foundation Board of Directors?
Create new ways to financially grow and distribute more funds around the state and make a difference and let people know “ volunteers do not get paid because they are priceless” increase volunteer base.
If you had one extra hour of free time in a day how would you use it?
Free time is my life so each day I choose what to do. Go outdoors, to parks, or beaches are my enjoyment and definitely warm weather, shorts, t-shirts, and sandals
Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
Rewind, I have been fortunate to have had a wonderful childhood, great life until now and just want to keep it going. “Life is not a dress rehearsal” Have fun!!!
If you could visit any place in the world where would it be and why?
Tahiti and Australia beautiful places, good friends, good people, and great sea life to snorkel and observe.
Would you rather be without internet for a week or without your phone?
Bye, bye internet but phone keeps people connected especially family.