
Serving Up Time, Talent & Treasure: Rick Vach
The USTA Florida Section Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors with a wealth of experience, tremendous passion for sharing the love of tennis, and a big heart for helping people across the state. Get to know them a little better and learn what moves them to dedicate their time, talents and financial support to changing lives within Florida.
Who: Rick Vach
Incoming Board Position: Director
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
What drew you to continue your time as a USTA Florida Foundation board member?
I am a former 10-year USTA Florida Section staff member and have always been in awe of the corps of Florida tennis volunteers and what they do for an organization that depends so heavily on volunteers. What drew me to apply was the opportunity to give back to the sport I’ve been involved in for most of my life.
Who has inspired you in your life?
In the world of tennis I’ve received mentoring and inspiration from former ATP World Tour Vice President Weller Evans and current or former USTA Florida Presidents such as Donn Davis, Nancy Horowitz, Celia Rehm, and other volunteers too numerous to mention.
What about USTA Florida Foundation’s mission and work really motivates you?
When you see first-hand what small (and large) grants in local communities can do to get kids who wouldn’t normally play tennis on the courts, or get kids in after-school tennis and homework programs who might otherwise be on the streets or getting in trouble, you get motivated to become part of making a difference. These community programs are for the most part non-profit and themselves run by volunteers.
What do you want to accomplish in your next two years on the Foundation Board of Directors?
I’d like to contribute with my experience in communications, marketing and fundraising to heighten the foundation’s impact after this period of COVID-19 in 2020 that has been so devastating to non-profit and fundraising organizations, and in turn the organizations the foundation supports.
If you had one extra hour of free time in a day how would you use it?
Sleep. Sleep is really underrated and in turn lets you do everything else better.
Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
Neither – everything happens for a reason and is a learning experience.
If you could visit any place in the world where would it be and why?
I need to get back and visit some more European countries, which provide a unique prospective and comparison in terms of what their citizens and cultures value.
Would you rather be without internet for a week or without your phone?
Honestly, I’d like to be without both. I could get more sleep.