
USTA Florida Foundation Puts $26k Back Into Tennis Community
By: USTA Florida Foundation Staff
The USTA Florida Foundation, the giving arm of USTA Florida, returns 90 percent of the annual contributions it receives from the “Play Tennis!” license plate directly back into the Florida tennis community, primarily through local grassroots community program grants.
During the first cycle of 2019 the USTA Florida Section Foundation awarded more than $26,000 in grants across Florida to community tennis organizations in Jacksonville, Orlando, Plantation, Miami and other locations.
“We are thrilled to be kicking off the eighth year of grant opportunities thanks to our impactful community of donors,” says USTA Florida Section Foundation executive director Alexis Johnson. “Seeing offerings like WestCare GulfCoast-Florida’s Rackets and Recovery program is inspiring as the community is starting to think outside the box in terms of how it is possible to change lives through tennis.”
The USTA Florida Section Foundation provides financial support to organizations that help people of all ages and abilities improve their health and quality of life through the game of tennis. The Foundation grants offer funding for youth tennis programs, adaptive tennis programs for those with special needs, community tennis programs in economically challenged areas, along with facility assistance in the renovation, refurbishment and building of quality public tennis facilities.
USTA Florida Section Foundation 1st cycle grants:
Jacksonville — MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation: Camp Dynamite Extension ($5,110), Florida/Georgia Challenge ($3,500)
Miami — First Serve Miami’s In-School program ($4,999.80)
Plantation — Plantation Community Tennis Corporation: Plantation adaptive wheelchair tennis program ($5,500)
Orlando — Buddy Up Tennis: Lake Nona program location ($1,500)
Orlando — Orlando Community and Youth Trust: Parramore-Pine Hills Summer Program ($2,220)
Orlando — T.E.A.M. Junior Tennis Inc.: TEAM All-Star program ($2,170)
St. Petersburg — WestCare GulfCoast-Florida: Rackets and Recovery program ($1,640)
Since 2010 the USTA Florida Section Foundation has awarded more than $1,272,000 in grants for tennis programs serving people of all ages and abilities throughout Florida.
You can support Florida recreational grassroots tennis with a “Play Tennis!” plate and follow along on social media @USTAFloridaFNDN to see how your annual contribution changes lives through tennis throughout the state.
The second grant cycle will open again on Aug. 1 and close on Oct. 31, 2019.
With a mission of “Changing Lives through Tennis,” the USTA Florida Section Foundation provides financial support to organizations that help people of all ages and abilities improve their health and quality of life through the great game of tennis.